Learning to reading the Yaseen Surah with tajweed

This is just a study guide for those who are at the learning stage. You must learn how to pronounce the Arabic letters from a qualified person!




Please be careful while pronouncing the FATHA, e.g., the "a" sound. For example, the "a" in "wa" should be pronounced like "e" in "went". Likewise, all the "a" in the sura should produce an "a" sound like "e" in "went".
Some Fatha produces an "a" sound like "a" in English word "art". For example, "a" in Arabic word "qawl" is like "a" in art. All "a" in the sura should produce a variation of the "a" sound in "art". Sometimes "a" is little softer like "la" in "la miserables or Labrador." Sometimes it is a little longer, e.g. it is written with two "aa" so it produces a little longer "a" like longer "a" in English word "far." The "a" sound in Arabic words "maa" or "laa" are the "a" sound in "far". Ayn with fatha is represented by "'A". Ayn with sukuun is represented by "'Å".
KASRAs should produce a "i" sound like "i" in "sin". Ayn with kasra is represented by "'I".
DAMMA should produce a "u" sound like "u" in "do" or sometimes little softer like "u" sound in "you". Mostly the "u" sound is like the sound produced by the "oo" in English. The sound produced depends on the letter, e.g., if the letter is a soft letter like b,h,y,s the "u" sound will also be softer. For example, "bu" will be like in "boon" or "su" will be like in "soon". Ayn with damma is represented by "'U".




There are a few rules for reading the Qur'an beautifully. The Arabic text below incorporated some of these rules. These rules must be learned and applied when the reader comes across to the rule because the arabic text below could not incorporate some of the rules, i.e., it involves converting a letter to another letter. The rules will be explained first and then that rule will be represented by an acronym, e.g., by some capital letters, and then that acronym will be used when that tajweed rule exists in an ayat. Most of the rules involve the first letter of a word coming after a word which ends with noon-u saakin (the letter of "n" with a sukuun or jazm over it, like "min") or a word ending with tanwin, e.g., the word which ends with two fathas (like khayran) or two dammahs (like khayrun) or two kasrahs (like dhikrin). The latin text below already incorporated all the rules. The reader should just read the text the way it is written because all the necessary conversions are already incorporated to the text. But user still has to learn and apply the rules to produce the sound from the nose or whatever has to be done when it is required by the respective rule.



First some definitions:

IDGAAM: combining two letters to make one letter and reading that letter with shadda, by closing the lips.

GUNNA: the sound produced from the nose.

iZhaar (IZ): when one of the iZhaar letters (a, kh, H, 'A, g, or h) comes after the noon-u saakin or tanwin, iZhaar occurs. IZhaar means separating two words distinctly by opening the lips. For example, for "man amana" we distinctively finish the "man" and then start the "amana."

IKHFAA (IKHF): Ikhfaa letters are the following fifteen letters: t, th, j, d, dh, z, s, sh, S, D, T, Z, f, q, and k. When one of the ikhfaa letters comes after the noon-u saakin or tanwin, ikhfaa occurs. The tong stays in the middle of the mouth touching neither to top nor to the bottom and a sound will be produced from the nose, i.e., GUNNA. Also, the lips will neither be closed like in idgaam nor opened like in iZhaar and without doing shadda the letters will be produced.

IQLAAB (IQL): when the iqlaab letter "b" comes after the noon-u saakin or tanwin, IQLAAB occurs. The noon-u saakin or tanwin will be converted to "mim" and since both "mim" and "b" is produced from the lips, it will be produced one after the other together, e.g, "min bayni" becomes "mim bayni", see ayat 9 below.

IDGAAM MA'AL GUNNA - idgaam with gunna (IDMG): when one of the idgaam letters (m,n,w or y) comes after the noon-u saakin or tanwin, IDMG occurs. IDMG is performed in the following manner: the noon-u saakin or tanwin will be converted to the first letter of the following word and will be read with shadda while making sound from the nose simultaneously. Lets assume that the first word is "SiraTin" and the following word is "mustaqiym". Since the second word starts with "mim", the last letter of "SiraTin", i.e., the "n" will be converted to "mim". One of the mims will be dropped and the remaining one "mim" will be read with shadda while making the sound from the nose. It will be read "SiraTimmustaqiym", see ayat four below.
Example for letter "m": "basharun mithlunaa" becomes "basharummithlunaa", see ayat 15 below.
Example for letter "n": "man nu'Ammirhu" becomes "mannu'Ammirhu", see ayat 68 below.
Example for letter "w": "SayHatan waaHidatan" becomes "SayHatawwaaHidatan", see ayat 49 below.
Example for letter "y": "falakin yasbaHuuna" becomes "falakiyyasbaHuuna", see ayat 40 below.

IDGAAM BILA GUNNA - idgaam without gunna (IDBG): when one of the IDBG letters (r or l) comes after the noon-u saakin or tanwin, IDBG occurs. The noon-u saakin or tanwin will be converted to the first letter of the following word and will be read with shadda. Lets assume that the first word is "min" and the following word starts with "lam". In this case, the last letter of "min", i.e., the "n" will be converted to "lam" and thus now there are two "lam". We drop one of the lam and read the remaining one "lam" with shadda. The letter "r" is similar, e.g., we read the "r" with shadda. For example, "gafuurun raHiym" becomes "gafururraHiym" or "min rasuulin" becomes "mirrasuulin" see ayat 30 below, or "lain lam" becomes "laillam", see ayat 18 below.

IDGAAM MITHLAYN (IDMIT): literally means combining identical letters. Usually the last letter of the first word ends with sukuun and the following word starts with the same letter.
1) The last letter of any word ends with a sukuun and the following word starts with the same letter, e.g., like in "rabiHat tijaaratuhum".
2) When the last letter of any word ends with noon-u saakin and the following word starts with the noon, it becomes IDGAAM MITHLAYN and also it becomes IDGAAM MA'AL GUNNA (IDMG), like in "min naarin" or "wa man nu'Ammirhu."
3) Mim-i saakin (mim with sukuun or jazm over it) has three cases:
a. The last letter of any word ends with mim-i saakin and the following word starts with the mim again, e.g., like in "at'Amahum min", it becomes IDGAAM MITHLAYN MA'AL GUNNA - idgaam mithlayn with gunna (IDMIT-G). For idgaam mithlayn with gunna we combine the two letters and make one letter out of them and read it with shadda while making noise from the nose.
b. The last letter of any word ends with mim-i saakin and the following word starts with "b", then it becomes IKHFAA. Examples: "rabbahum bihim" or "tarmihim biHijaratin."
c. The last letter of any word ends with mim-i saakin and the following word starts with the letters other than "b" and "m", then it becomes "iZhaar." Examples: "hum fiyhi" or lakum diynukum."

Surah Yasin, Surah Yaseen,

What are the benefits of learning surah yaseen?

The Holy Prohpet said:
1) Surah Fatiha is a cure from every illness. (Darmi, Bahiqi)
2) Do not make your home a graveyard, the Shaitan runs from the home in which Surah Baqrah is recited. (Sahih Muslim)
3) Whoever memorized the first ten ayahs of Surah Kahf will be saved the Dajjal. (Sahih Muslim)
4) Whoever recites Surah Kahf on the day of Jummah, there will be a Nur brightened for him between two Jummahs.
5) Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen, whoever read Yaseen, Allah will write the reward of reading the Quran ten times from him. (Tirmizi and Darmi)

>>>>>6) Whoever reads Surah Yaseen for the pleasure of Allah, his past sins will be forgiven so read this near your deceased. (Bahiqi)

7) (Reading) Qul hu WAllahu Ahad (Surah Ikhlas) is equal to [reading] one third of the Quran.
8) Whoever read Ayatul Kursi after every Fard Salah, he will be under the protection and security of Allah.
9) (On the Day of Judgement) a caller will say O Recitor of Surah Inaam, come to Jannat for loving Surah Inaam and its recitation.
10) Surah Tabarak (Surah Mulk) saves one from Hell.
11) Whatever task is not begun with Bismillahi Rahamni Raheen remains incomplete and unfinished!!

Surat Ya-Sin is called “the Heart of the Qur'an” by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It contains a very important message about the resurrection and life after death. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recommended that it be read in front of a dying person. Reading it at times of distress is also helpful, as mentioned in several Prophetic hadiths.

It is reported in one hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "I wish if every person in my Ummah keeps this surah (that is, Surat Ya-Sin) in his heart.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Ya-Sin is the heart of the Qur'an. The one who recites it solely for Allah's Sake, his sins will be forgiven. Read it on behalf of your dead” (At-Tirmidhi).

In his tafseer, Imam Al-Qurtubi states that Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying, “Reciting Ya-Sin at the beginning of the day makes the rest of the day easy for the person till night approaches. Also, reciting it with the approach of the night makes the rest of the night easy till the next day.”


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